代写 PSY2071 Developmental Report
Assessment Rubric
1. Purpose of the Report
The report presents an appropriate rationale for the preparation of the report that is logically
consistent with the tests administered. The referral reason includes why the child was referred for
an assessment, who referred the child and any precipitating events (as appropriate).
2. Background
The report provides a clear overview of the child’s relevant background information,
including: family, home and school situation; history of any major physical illnesses,
psychological disorders or developmental delays; and current issues and strengths in
relation to education, general behaviour and social interactions.
3. Genogram
The report provides an accurate and well-presented genogram of the child’s immediate
family by utilising correct genogram symbols, interactional patterns, and terminology.
4. Mental Status Examination (MSE)
The report provides a comprehensive description of the child as measured by all sections
of the MSE. The description is written solely in terms of observations made by the
psychologist during the examination.
5. Eyberg Child Behaviour Inventory (ECBI)
All ECBI intensity and problem scale scores are correctly presented with appropriate
descriptive range labels.
6. Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
All SDQ scores are correctly presented with appropriate descriptive range labels.
7. Summary
The referral reason is restated and the most pertinent findings from each section of the
assessment (background, MSE, ECBI and SDQ) are integrated to present a logical
account of the child’s current and likely future functioning in the areas most relevant to
the referrer’s needs. No new information is introduced.
8. Organisation
All points within the sections of the report are presented in a clear and logical order.
9. Grammar
Writing is grammatically correct and scholarly. The report contains no spelling errors.