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  • 遗产和文化旅游业是世界各地许多旅游目的地新兴的旅游业发展的关键部门之一(Richards 2007)。理查兹(1996年,第24页)认为,文化旅游的概念和定义是,人们需要满足自己的文化需求,所以他们会去旅游目的地收集相关信息。从技术上讲,文化可以被描述为人们的想法,人们的行为和人们的创造。因此,文化是人们的思想和生活方式以及这些过程所产生的产品的一种过程(Richards 2001)。在旅游业中,文化遗产旅游商品化是文化活动在旅游市场上的包装。(姆拜瓦,J.E.,2011年)
    Rathore Nisha(2012)指出,不同类型的旅游有不同的影响。从治理的角度来看,政府必须从旅游活动中对社会、文化和环境产生非常严重的负面影响。管理者的目标应该是使遗产旅游在经济和环境上都可持续发展,因此,从管理的角度来说,环境和承载力的计算是两个重要的因素。
    然而,使用旅游体验的方式对遗产商品化程度较低,可能会导致一种评论,即遗产被视为一种表演,而不是文化。因此,许多遗产目的地需要开发,使其适合市场,并能为游客体验。事实上,遗产商品化需要更多的发展,因为在一些目的地,遗产只是作为一个吸引人的设施,如购物或餐饮(Frost,2006)而不是主要目的地的访问。因此,Jennifer L et a L(2013)指出,一些旅游目的地需要更高水平的旅游体验,但即使对旅游者来说具有中等或高体验价值,也不能成为主要目的地;而在其他旅游目的地,遗产资产很重要,应该是旅游业的高峰体验。对Bendigo案例的研究表明,任何单一的遗产资产商品化旅游体验方法都不能受到利益相关者的欢迎。这两种体验都需要融合在一起,才能为游客创造更好的正面效果。


    Heritage and cultural tourism are one of the key sectors of tourism development emerging in many destination areas around the world (Richards 2007). According to Richards (1996, p. 24), the concept and definition of cultural tourism are that the persons need to satisfy their cultural needs, so they go to the tourism destination to gather relevant information. Technically, the culture can be described as what people think, what people do and what people make. Culture is therefore a type of process for the ideas and ways of life of people, and the products made by these processes (Richards 2001). In tourism, commoditization of culture and heritage tourism is the packaging of cultural activities in the tourist market. (Mbaiwa, J. E., 2011)
    Rathore Nisha (2012) point out those different types of tourism has different effects. From the governance side, the governor must take the negative impact of the social, cultural and environmental from tourism activities very serious though is not intentional. The aim of a manager should be to make heritage tourism being sustainable development for both economic and environmental; therefore, from managing side, the calculations of environment and carrying capacities are two important factors. 
    However, a less degree of commoditization of heritage using the way of tourist experience can lead to a comment that the heritage is being viewed as a show rather than culture. Therefore, many heritage destinations need development to make them suit for the market and can be experienced by visitors. In fact, commoditization of heritage needs more development because in some destinations, the heritage just act as an attractive facility for others like shopping or dining (Frost, 2006) rather than being the main purpose of the visit. Therefore, Jennifer L et al (2013) pointed out that some destinations need a higher level of tourist experience but cannot be the main purpose even it is with moderate or high experiential value for tourists while in other destinations, the heritage assets are important and should be the peak tourist experience of tourism.  The study of a case of Bendigo shows that any of single tourism experience methods of the commoditization of a heritage asset cannot be welcomed by stakeholders. Both types of experience need to be integrated together in order to create a better positive effect for tourists. 
