代写 Society Essay plan

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    Understanding Society Essay plan work sheet
    This work sheet is intended to help you draft your essay plan and more generally
    prepare for the essay. The idea behind the essay plan is it is an opportunity for you
    to get some feedback on your understanding of the ideas of the unit and your
    academic writing skills from your tutor before you write your essay. Having said that,
    it is also a marked assessment which means higher quality essay plans will get
    higher marks
    Before you start on your essay plan you will need to pick which of the three essay
    questions you want to answer. They are on page 10 of your Learning Guide. Once
    you have done that you should check the essential readings for the essay which will
    be available on vUWS and in the Library.
    Review the Marking Criteria
    You will find the marking criteria for the essay on page 9 of the Learning Guide. It
    has four sections
     Breaking Down the Question
     Key Points
     Conclusion
     Research and Referencing
    You need to cover all of these criteria in your essay plan. Review the Marking
    Criteria as you are working on your essay plan and before you submit it to make sure
    you have covered all the sections. This work sheet will use these sections to guide
    you through the essay plan.
    Section 1. Breaking down the Question
    At this stage you may or may not have checked or read the essential readings.
    Some students like to break down all three questions to help them decide which
    question to pick. It is up to you if you want to do this. Breaking down the question is
    really about working out what sociological ideas and concepts the question is about
    and what it is asking you to do with them. Having a clear understanding of the essay
    question is an important step to answering it.
    The following information should be in this section of your essay plan:
    i.  What is the key sociological concept or idea the question is using? This is one
    of the most important parts of the question. You need to know what specific
    idea or concept from the unit the question wants you to use. You should
    provide a definition or explanation of the concept to show you know what it is
    and can explain it. Make sure you provide a citation for the resource where
    you got this definition from (probably your text book).
    ii.  The question asks you to apply that sociological concept or use that concept
    on one, or maybe more subjects or examples. You need to identify what those
    examples are. Let’s call these the subjects of the question. The subject(s) of
    the question might be movies, a social event or aspects of Australian society.
    iii.  Next you need to understand how the question asks you to apply the
    sociological concept or use them on the subjects. It might ask you to
    compare, contrast, explore, explain or give ways.
    iv.  When you apply a sociological concept to a subject you can also use a
    sociological theory to help explain or explore or compare. Try to identify a
    sociological theory that fits the question and explain why it works (this can be
    hard, but if you do it well you will be rewarded with marks).
    When you write the full essay the information in this section will form part of the
    Introduction to your essay.
    Once you start to understand the question you will also start to interpret the question.
    There are choices for you to make about how you will answer the question, for
    example if the subject is a movie you need to decide which parts of the movie you
    will write about. If the subject is Australian Society, what parts of Australian society
    will you write about? Likewise what aspects of the sociological concept will you use?
    How will theory fit with this? It is good to think about this before you move on to the
    next section.
    How should you present this information in the essay plan?
    There are two good ways
     You could present it like a short answer questions. For example: ‘the
    sociological concept the question uses is Social Inequality. Social Inequality
    is defined as ….’
     Or you could use the information to create a paragraph that covers all the
    points (when it comes time to write your essay you will have to do this. It is
    up to you if you do it now).
    Do not use dot points. We need to see that you can write sentences and

    代写 Society Essay plan

    Section 2. Key Points
    An essay is a large answer to an essay question. Part of the reason it is large is that
    you not only have to present an argument or a position as the answer, but also you
    have to defend that position with evidence. As I mentioned in the lecture some
    students will read the essay question and know straight away what they want their
    answer to be. Others will need to read all the readings before they know what
    position they want to take. Both approaches are fine, but once you get to this stage
    you will have to read the readings to get your key points. The key points are
    justifications for your position or argument, but they must be defended with evidence
    from the readings.
    Some points about key points:
    Students often ask how many key points they should have in their essay. At
    university you are more likely to be rewarded if you can get into depth on your key
    points. This reduces the number that you can use. If you use too many key points
    then instead of getting into depth you will start to summarise the topic. Instead of
    showing your knowledge and understanding, you will just be skimming the surface of
    the concept and the subjects. For this essay three or four key points would be a
    good number.
    Your key points need to flow from the break down of the question, they need to use
    the sociological concept, the subject and what you have been asked to do with them.
    If it says that you need to compare two movies then you know that the key points will
    need to be about comparing parts of the movies (could be similar or different) that
    relate to the sociological concept.
    As they are part of a position or argument, the keep points all need to relate to each
    other in a logical way. Remember, the key points are meant to support the position
    or argument.
    Within the key points it would be a good idea to have a sentence or two that explains
    how you are going to use the sociological theory you have picked in the essay.
    And lastly you need to include a least one citation for each key point. Make sure you
    acknowledge what resource the idea or the evidence has come from.
    How should you present this information in the essay plan?
    Again, avoid dot points here. Instead use a few sentences to explain each key
    point. You only have 500 words for the plan in total so try to keep it tight. You
    can expand on the details in the essay. Don’t forget to add the citations for each
    key point.
    Section 3. Conclusion
    Both your essay plan and your essay need a conclusion, but the one for your essay
    plan will be much shorter. The conclusion for your essay will review your essay as a
    whole; you will mention your key points to remind the marker of how great they were.
    You will also explain how these points come together to defend your answer to the
    essay question.
    In the plan you need to provide an outline of that summary. How will these points
    work together and importantly, what is the ultimate concluding answer to the essay
    Section 4. Research and Referencing
    The last section of the criteria concerns what research you have done and how well
    you have presented your references. You should refer to the Harvard guide on
    referencing and the Guide to Academic Writing to make sure you citations in the plan
    and your reference list are correct; however here are some specific points to check:
     You need to use the 4 essential readings in your plan as citations.
     Check that those 4 essential readings are presented correctly in your
    reference list at the end of the essay.
     You have to also add 2-4 academic resources to your essay from your own
    research. You don’t have to include them in your plan, but if you do and they
    are good resources you will be rewarded with marks. It will also give the tutor
    an opportunity to give you some feedback on the quality of the resources you
    found through your own research.
    How should you present this information in the essay plan?
    Again, avoid dot points. Try to summarise your key points in a sentence or two.
    Explain how they support your argument/position. End the conclusion with a
    sentence or two that answers the essay question or finishes the answer you
    have developed.
    TIPS for the essay plan:
     Give your essay plan (and later your essay) a title.
     Rewrite the question at the start of the essay (a good habit to get into).
     Make it easy for the marker to see the sections of the essay plan. Feel free to
    use headings.
     Always proof read and edit your work before you hand it in. Good ideas to
    help make the most of your editing include printing your work out on paper
    and editing the hard copy, reading your work aloud, and editing your work on
    the following day rather than straight away when you write. These help you to
    see the grammatical mistakes in your work.
     Start early and try to finish early so you give yourself as much time as
    possible to edit and review your essay plan.
     Some questions ask you to use one or two movies in your answer. You will
    need to reference them in the essay, but they DO NOT count to you additional
    research or essential resources. FYI, the citation and reference will look like
    In-Text Citation:
    (Title Year)
    Title of movie Year of production, Format e.g. DVD, video recording or
    motion picture, Publisher, Place.
     If the subject of the question is a movie or two, don’t waste time explaining the
    plot of the movie in detail. Focus on the important scenes or ideas in the
    movie that are relevant to your answer.
     The word limit is 500 words + or – 10% (so a maximum of 550). Your title, the
    question and your reference list do not count towards the word count.
     And lastly keep a margin around your work (2.5-3cm around the page would
    be good) and use a 12 point font with double spacing or at least one and a
    half spacing. Number the pages and provide an approximate word count.
    Essay plans must be typed and submitted via Turnitin

    代写 Society Essay plan