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  • 澳洲护理assignment代写:突发事件案例分析

    马克是一个42岁的男子,他在清理漏水的时候从干草屋顶上掉下来,然后用双脚降落在离干草棚8米远的干草包上。他的一个农场手找到了他,打了000个电话,没有移动他。马克被带到急诊部(急诊室)通过直升机在1400小时。当马克到达时,他坐在脊柱运输板上,床单上盖着血迹。他的脖子很僵硬,尺寸和位置都很合适。静脉插管与大约250毫升生理盐水运行1lt肘窝左。他在10lpm O2供应通过哈德森面具。他出现在心脏监视器上的窦性心动过速。他的毛细血管再充盈功能> 2secs和他的皮肤是凉的感觉。马克的伤害机制是从干草屋顶上脱落的,当坠落距离是受害者高度的3倍时。


    Mark is a 42 year old male who fell off the hay barn roof when fixing the leak, and landed with his feet on a hay bale which is 8 meters far away from the hay barn. One of his farm hands found him and called 000 without moving him. Mark was then brought in the emergency department (ED) via helicopter at 1400 hrs. Mark was on a spinal transport board when he arrived, and with covered by sheet with blood stains on. His neck was stiff and was correctly sized and placed. IV cannula was inserted in the cubital fossa with 1lt of normal saline running with about 250 mls left. He was on 10lpm O2 supplied via Hudson mask. He appeared to the sinus tachycardia on the cardiac monitor. His function of capillary refill was >2secs and his skin were cool to touch. The mechanism of injury (Mol) for Mark was falling from the hay barn roof, when the distance of the fall is 3 times greater than the height of the victim.
    From Mark’s situation, emergency management is the key to save his life. What if a network is settled to help people manage is a standard first aid. The primary purpose of organizing emergency communication system (ECS) is to support one way to communicate the emergency information between both individuals and groups of individuals. The purpose of designing these systems is to make it possible to cross communicate the information between varieties of communication technologies, and to form a unified system of communication which is intended to optimize communications when emergencies happen. An emergency notification system means to collect methods which can simplify the broadcast of detailed information or one-way dissemination to one or many groups of people with when pending emergency situation happens. Some typical samples of emergency notification systems can be categorized as automated dialing services such as Reverse 911, mass text messaging services like Twitter, and common siren systems for alerting tornadoes, tsunami, air-raid and so on. 
    Emergency communication systems usually supply same notification services but sometimes they may also provide two-way communications in order to make it easy to communicate between staff, individuals and first responders in the field. There is another distinguishing quality of the term "communication", which refers to the ability to provide individuals with detailed and meaningful information and actions they can take in an emergency; however "notification" denotes the general nature of an emergency and a relatively more simplistic one-time conveyance of the existence. Demands placed on communication processes by emergencies are often quite different from those of non-emergency circumstances. It is often involved in escalating and evolving events emergencies that that the demand of high performance and flexibility from the systems which provide services of emergency communication. In each special emergency situation, it often requires capabilities such as automation of communication, message prioritisation; communication audits trails, fast message delivery, and so on. On the contrary, some bad consequences may be caused by inadequate emergency communications capabilities which are inconvenient at best and disastrous at worst. In a word, a correct and standard first aid elevate the possibility of saving people’s life.