代写 MKTG1053 Service Quality assignment

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  • 代写 MKTG1053 Service Quality  assignment

    MKTG1053 Service Quality (Semester 1, 2016) New Service Proposal Assignment Brief
    MKTG1053 Service Quality (Semester 1, 2016)
    Weighting / Value: 40%
    Submission Dates:
    Part 1: 10-Minute Project Summary Presentation (Weighting 5 out of 30%) – Week 9/10/11
    Part 2: 3,000 words Written Report (Weighting 25 out of 30%) – Week 11
    Have you ever thought of a business idea and wondered if it will be feasible? Have you ever
    dreamt about having or starting your own business? Have you ever used a service and thought,
    “I could do this better!”?
    This project provides you the opportunity to explore these thoughts further by utilising the
    theories, concepts and tools you learn in this course to analyse, evaluate, shape and concretise
    your ideas.
    In groups of no more than four (4) members, you are to obtain, analyse and interpret relevant
    information and data, demonstrate understanding and application of relevant services marketing
    theories and concepts, demonstrate an ability to identify creative opportunities in services
    marketing contexts, as well as to demonstrate a professional ability to collaborate and
    communicate relevant services marketing concepts in personal and group contexts through the
    completion of this New Service Proposal.
    The aim of this proposal is to develop a new service product concept and analyse its feasibility
    based on in-depth research and the utilisation of relevant theoretical concepts and tools learnt
    during this course. You have the option to either explore:
    1. A new service product idea from the perspective of a new business* that you would like to
    build (e.g., a ‘major service innovation),
    2. A ‘new’ service for an existing business* (Important Note: Although a ‘new’ service can
    include ‘style changes’ and ‘service improvements’, please ensure that your proposed new
    service involves a MAJOR change, such as a ‘product line extension’, ‘major process
    innovation’, or ‘major service innovation’ – refer to pp.113-115 of Wirtz et al. 2012
    for further information).
    (*Note also that the ‘business’ you choose to explore need not be limited to profit-making
    organisations, but can be based on a not-for-profit service organisation.)
    It is expected that the proposal will include detailed information and analysis of the external
    environment relevant to the business, as well as of each of the seven marketing mix elements
    for the ‘new’ service. That is, you will explore the new service idea’s feasibility based on the
    existing/potential performance and/or capabilities as well as of the environmental
    trends/conditions relevant to the existing/envisioned organisation.
    Some of the things you may consider doing and/or including in the report may include (but not
    limited to):
    -  Conducting a small scale market research to ‘test’ out the new service idea (e.g., with a
    small sample of the target market, and/or with ‘experts’ with the relevant
    knowledge/expertise, for their feedback),
    MKTG1053 Service Quality (Semester 1, 2016) New Service Proposal Assignment Brief
    -  Conducting short interview/s with an existing business owner (whom you may already
    have an established rapport) or a service firm audit to explore any issues or problems the
    business may be experiencing (and require improving), on which you can base your ‘new’
    service suggestion.
    Please conduct this research independently, without RMIT administrative involvement (such as
    in terms of obtaining introductory letters, etc.).
    Part 1: Project Summary Presentation
    During the specified time-slot (in Week 9, 10 or 11) allocated by your tutor, students are to
    present a 10-minute summary of their new service proposal.
    The presentation will be assessed based on the level of preparation and effort, depth of
    research, quality of information presented (e.g., in terms of relevance and accuracy), as well as
    overall presentation qualities such as ability to sustain audience interest, clarity of speech and
    timing (i.e., 10 minutes).
    Students MUST submit a hard copy (i.e., printout) of their slides (in ‘3 slides to 1 page’ format)
    at the BEGINNING of the tutorial in which they are due to present. Failure to do so will result in
    loss of marks.
    Students will receive feedback about their presentations during the tutorial immediately after
    their presentation (where any suggested changes and improvements can be incorporated into
    their final written report).
    Part 2: Written Report
    In no more than 3,000 words (excluding the Title Page, Executive Summary, Table of Contents,
    Reference List and Appendices), students are to present their new service proposal via a written
    report. This report will include a detailed introduction/background/overview section, as well as
    sections detailing each of the seven (7) marketing mix elements of the proposed new service.
    The information you present in each section may include (but not limited to) the following:
    Executive Summary
    (1 – 2 pages summary of the proposal)
    Introduction and Business Overview
    a.  Background of organisation selected or the new business envisioned
    b.  Introduction to the proposed new service product concept (describe and
    categorise the new service into people/possession/information/mental
    stimulus processing service) and its driver (e.g., issue/problem within an
    existing business or the result of an event/experience/environmental
    c.  Positioning – analyse the new service’s target market (what is its
    characteristics, why is it targeted?) and key competitors (what is your
    competitive advantage, what makes you/your proposed new service different
    to the competitors? Include a positioning map showing your organisation’s
    position relative to competition); present the new service concept’s
    (Please turn over…) 

    代写 MKTG1053 Service Quality  assignment
    MKTG1053 Service Quality (Semester 1, 2016) New Service Proposal Assignment Brief
    Analysis of the New Service Concept Idea and the Marketing Plan
    Using the most appropriate models/concepts/tools, analyse and present your proposed
    strategy for each of the following marketing mix elements:
    g.  Product (and Branding)
    (What new service product/s are you offering? Describe the core product
    offering in detail. Choose any three enhancing supplementary service
    elements and describe how these will help improve the service experience for
    the customers. What kind of branding strategy will you adopt for the new
    b.  Price and Revenue Management
    (Develop the pricing strategy for the proposed new service using the pricing
    tripod – which ‘leg’ of the tripod will you place emphasis? Use rate fences to
    design and justify a pricing structure that will maximise revenue and sales for
    this new service.)
    c.  Distributing Services
    (How will the new service be distributed? Describe and justify the nature of
    the ‘brick and mortar’ and/or electronic channel/s of distribution you have
    d.  Promotion and Education
    (Apply the 5Ws models to guide the service communication planning for the
    new service. Provide detailed description of the communication channels and
    visual of the communication messages. Design a promotional program that
    can enhance customer loyalty. Provide mock ups of promotional/educational
    e.  Service Environment and other Physical Evidence
    (Provide details of the ambient environment and visuals/graphics [i.e., mock
    ups] of at least three pieces/forms of ‘physical evidence’ required as a result
    of the introduction of the proposed new service.)
    f.  Process
    (Present a blueprint and detailed explanation capturing how the new service
    will be produced and experienced. Identify key fail points and design poka-
    yokes that ensure standards and service processes are followed accordingly.)
    g.  People
    (What [new/existing] skills do staff members need to possess to produce the
    new service? To what extent do you require/rely on your customers to engage
    in co-production? What kind of training may be required to familiarise staff
    members/customers with the new service? Using the Service Talent Cycle as a
    guiding framework, design human resource strategies that can help move the
    firm into the Cycle of Success.)
    (Summary reflection [with justifications and evidence] of the strengths and
    weaknesses of your proposed new service concept, and its feasibility or likelihood
    of success.)
    The reports will be assessed based on the quality of the information presented in terms of
    depth, accuracy and relevance.
    Meeting/Communication Log (to be included in the Appendices): Please keep a log of all group
    meetings (including date, time and duration) and communication (including emails and other
    forms of messages) necessary to demonstrate equal contribution of each member. Where
    possible, include brief descriptions of key items discussed in each meeting, the key tasks and
    responsibilities agreed upon, and other outcomes. This log will serve partly as evidence in the
    case of disputes/complaints arising from unequal contribution of a specific member/s, and their
    final results may be adjusted accordingly based on the Course Coordinator’s discretion (in
    MKTG1053 Service Quality (Semester 1, 2016) New Service Proposal Assignment Brief
    consultation with the tutor).
    Sharing Your Proposal with Your Tutor: Each group are asked to create and edit their Proposal
    via a shared ‘Document’ created on Google Drive. Please ‘share’ this document with (i.e., send
    an invitation to) your tutor, who will periodically inspect student contributions and progress (and
    provide feedback, if applicable). This Google Document will also be inspected in case of group
    work contribution disputes/complaints.
    Submission of Proposal: A representative from each group must then submit their work
    electronically via Grade Centre in Blackboard, as well as via hardcopy in the tutorial in Week 11
    accompanied by a completed Assignment Cover Sheet (with a declaration and statement of
    authorship/s) containing signatures of all group members and a Turnitin originality report (with
    a similarity index of no greater than 10%).
    Week 6 New Service Idea Presentation
    Groups are given an opportunity to present their new service idea during Week 6’s tutorial. The
    purpose of this is so that groups can obtain feedback on their ‘new service’ ideas, and any issues
    are identified/flagged early in the assignment preparation process. Although this does not form
    part of the official assessment, it is crucial that a representative (or two) of the group make this
    presentation. In the past, fundamental errors (e.g., in terms of the proposal of an inappropriate
    ‘new service idea’, which would have resulted in a significantly lower mark) were identified
    through the presentations and groups were able to make the necessary amendments and/or be
    steered towards the right direction to get back on track. Please present a summary of your new
    service idea using only one (1) power presentation slide (with no sounds/animation), which is to
    be submitted to your tutor at least 48 hours prior to the presentation via your RMIT student
    email account (Emails sent to your tutor via any email accounts other than your official RMIT
    student email account could be automatically filtered out into the ‘junk mail’ folder and not
    read). The slides will be consolidated into and presented as one file during the
    tutorial/presentations. Students are asked to avoid updating their slide after its submission or
    load an updated slide on the day of the presentation. The presentation should be no longer than
    3 minutes and can include also a verbal summary of the group’s work and key findings to date.
    Students will receive feedback about their new service idea during the tutorial after their
    presentation (where any suggested changes and improvements can be incorporated into their
    Assessor: Mr. David Fitzgerald / Dr. Gauri Laud / Ms. Jessica Pallant / Mr. Simon Thornton
    MKTG1053 Service Quality (Semester 1, 2016)
    ASSESSMENT 2 (PART 1): NEW SERVICE PROPOSAL – Project Summary Presentation
    Name of New Service Concept:
    Group Leader/Representative Name:
    Assessment Criteria
    NN  PA  CR  DI  HD
    Good  Very Good  Excellent
    Product (and Branding) 
    Pricing and Revenue
    Place & Time (Distribution) 
    Promotion and Education 
    Physical Evidence 
    Evidence of in-depth research 
    Relevance of information 
    Application of relevant
    Originality of new service idea 
    Conclusion re. Feasibility of
    Proposed Service Concept
    Level of preparation and effort 
    Clarity of speech and good
    timing (e.g., 10 minutes)
    Ability to sustain audience
    Hardcopy (3 slides to 1 page
    format) of presentation provided
    prior to the commencement of
    * indicate levels of further ‘improvement/s’ (and thus likely amount of work) required to bring your project/work to ‘High Distinction’
    Assessor: Mr. David Fitzgerald / Dr. Gauri Laud / Ms. Jessica Pallant / Mr. Simon Thornton
    Overall Grade: NN PA CR DI HD
    Assessor: Mr. David Fitzgerald / Dr. Gauri Laud / Ms. Jessica Pallant / Mr. Simon Thornton
    MKTG1053 Service Quality (Semester 1, 2016)
    Name of New Service Concept:
    Group Leader/Representative Name:
    Report Evaluation
    Not Shown
    Very Good
    Executive Summary 
    Introduction and Business Overview
    Ø Background of organisation
    Ø Introduction to proposed new service
    Ø Positioning
    Analysis of New Service Concept Idea and Marketing Plan
    Ø Product and Branding 
    Ø Pricing and Revenue Management 
    Ø Place and Time (Distribution) 
    Ø Promotion and Education 
    Ø Physical Evidence
    Ø Process 
    Ø People 
    Originality of new service idea 
    Evidence of in-depth research 
    Relevance/usefulness of information
    Accuracy of theory application 
    Substantiated proposed strategies 
    Overall quality of report 
    Grade: NN PA  CR  DI  HD
    General Comments:

    代写 MKTG1053 Service Quality  assignment