代写OMGT2186 Quantitative Analysis and Decision Making

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  • 代写OMGT2186 Quantitative Analysis and Decision Making
    OMGT2186 Quantitative Analysis and Decision Making
    Assignment 2: Individual Assignment
    Semester 2 2016
    Dr Ian Storey


    Select one row from the following table for your assignment topic. The topic name must be included in the title of your report.
    Topic Option
    Technique for Discussion of Application to Logistics, and
    Hypothesis Test
    Example from Literature
    Descriptive Statistics Descriptive Statistics: Explain how presentation of data, especially charts and graphs can assist in business decision-making.
    Must be very high quality discussion with excellent examples of clear, well-used graphics.
    Fully-worked multiple-regression example for significance test. Multiple regression.
    Analysing categorical data  goodness-of-fit test
     test of independence
    Technique in the previous column (in this row).
    1.  goodness-of-fit test or,
    2.  test of independence
    Basic Hypothesis Test Test of proportion, p (large sample) Technique in the previous column (in this row).
    1. Test of mean,
    2. Test of proportion (large sample) or,
    3. Two-sample -test
    ANOVA Completely randomised design Technique in the previous column (in this row).
    1. Completely randomised design,
    2. Randomised block design or,
    3. Factorial experiment
    Multiple regression Overall -test and -tests of coefficients. Technique in the previous column (in this row).
    1. Overall -test or,
    2. -tests of coefficients.
    Time-series forecasting Time-series forecasting: components of a time series; linear regression time series trend analysis; autocorrelation problems and solutions; autoregression.
    Must be a high quality report.
    Fully-worked autoregression analysis with at least two lagged variables.
    Example of autoregression used in literature.

    Assignment format requirements

    Present the report using the main headings,
    ·         Topic (just the name of the topic),
    ·         Executive Summary,
    ·         Hypothesis Test Example,
    o   Describe the real-world problem
    o   Run the full analysis,
    o   Real-world conclusion
    o   Discuss the test
    ·         Application to Logistics,
    ·         Example from Literature,
    ·         References,
    ·         Source of data in Excel hypothesis test.
    The assignment can be no longer than 2,500 words (excluding the reference list, and any attachments, figures, tables or appendices).

    Hypothesis Test Example

    You need to show a fully-worked example of a hypothesis test as shown in the table of topic options (in the row of your chosen topic). Show all 6 steps, including the test diagram in step 3, very brief business problem description and brief business decision, correctly stated conclusion in terms of hypotheses. Use Excel for the computation, and provide your Excel file as part of the report.
    Note: for this part of the assignment, the example and the random sample used for the example do not need to be real data, they do not need to come from the literature, nor do they need to be derived from real data. State the source of your data, even if you invented the data yourself. Of course, anything used from an external source must be fully referenced and cited properly in the report.
    You need to state the -level of the test beforehand, and also show the -value of the test (except for the Durbin-Watson test).
    Briefly outline the assumptions of the test.
    If any software tool other than Excel is sued for the assignment, it must be demonstrated by the student to the tutor before the assignment will be marked.
    The entire spreadsheet should contain no more than 2 worksheets at most. One with data and another with the test, although just one sheet is acceptable.

    Application to Logistics

    Identify at least one specific supply chain and logistics management decision or problem that your chosen technique could be directly applied to. Demonstrate how it is applied to real-world problems and how its application helps decision makers to reach a more informed decision in the context of the identified issue or problem than would be the case if the technique was not employed.
    You must support your conclusions and comments with up-to-date, well reputed evidence from both the quantitative methods/operations management and the supply chain and logistics management literature.

    Example from Literature

    For this part of the assignment you need to search for a PDF of a peer-reviewed journal or conference article which quotes a p-value from a test of the same or similar type to your fully-worked hypothesis test (see table above). You must cite the page where the p-value is given. The article should use the p-value for a real-world test, it should not be an article ABOUT hypothesis testing.
    Note: you do not need to rerun the test from the paper, complete with data. Generally, the data will not be unavailable to you in any case. The article just needs to mention which test was used. It should also state the -value somewhere in the article. All these must be referenced in your report, with page numbers and highlighted if possible. Also show how the author(s) assert significance, if they do. Comment on the appropriateness of the decision in the article.
    Briefly state, in your own words, the conclusion of the article’s test and the decision which results from the test. Any citation of the handed-in paper must include the page number.
    Your assignment will not be marked if a PDF is not submitted.


    Submit three files. 3 marks for correct submission by due date with correct file naming.

    Word File

    Upload the report to Turnitin in a Word file. The file must have the following format:
    Assignment 2 9999999 Hegstead Mark ANOVA.docx
    ·         9999999 is your student number, without an “s”,
    ·         Hegstead is your family name, and
    ·         Mark is your given name.
    ·         ANOVA is your chosen topic
    You can have a .doc Word file.

    Example from Literature

    Submit a PDF containing your peer-reviewed example article. It must be named similar to the word file, e.g,
    Assignment 2 9999999 Hegstead Mark ANOVA.pdf

    Excel File Hypothesis Test

    Also submit an Excel file containing the working of your hypothesis test. It must be named,
    Assignment 2 9999999 Hegstead Mark ANOVA.xlsx
    You can have an .xls Excel file. Only one worksheet please in the Excel file.

    Marking Schema

    The marking schema is shown below.
    Correct Submission: 3 files correctly submitted by due date and correctly named 3
    Executive Summary: The executive summary should be concise, nontechnical and readable, and it should describe the report given 10
    Hypothesis Test Example: 6 steps, test diagram, business problem and decision, Excel input, output and explanation of use, alpha-level properly used, p-value calculated, test assumptions applied, test matches topic, citation for data. 27
    Application to Logistics: Example from logistics, useful in business context, shows decision-making usefulness, clear explanation, and engagement with literature. 10
    Example from Literature: PDF supplied, peer reviewed, result applies to a logistical application, use of p-value, test corresponds with topic, statement of conclusion explained in report, proper interpretation of the test result in the report, properly referenced and cited with page numbers, related to logistics. 10
    Overall Quality: Citation practice; executive summary should be concise, nontechnical and readable, and it should describe the report given; clarity of discussion; solid understanding displayed; quality of formatting, editing, tone and readability. 10
     代写OMGT2186 Quantitative Analysis and Decision Making