BSBWOR502B - Ensure team effectiveness Assessment 1 代写

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  • BSBWOR502B - Ensure team effectiveness
    Assessment Task 1
    Last Updated November 2014 V 2.0 Page 1 of 6
    Level 1 & 2,
    363 - 367 Pitt St.
    Sydney NSW 2000
    T. + 61 2 9268 0809
    Business Institute of Australia
    ABN 18 085 304 570  NTIS Code: 91019
    CRICOS Provider Code: 02607G
    BSBWOR502B - Ensure team
    Assessment 1
    BSBWOR502B - Ensure team effectiveness
    Assessment Task 1
    Last Updated November 2014 V 2.0 Page 2 of 6
    Level 1 & 2,
    363 - 367 Pitt St.
    Sydney NSW 2000
    T. + 61 2 9268 0809
    Business Institute of Australia
    ABN 18 085 304 570  NTIS Code: 91019
    CRICOS Provider Code: 02607G
    BSBWOR502B - Ensure team effectiveness
    Assessment: 1
    Role Play
    Submission details
    The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your trainer. Any variations to this
    arrangement must be approved in writing by your trainer.
    See procedure and task specifications below for details.
    You must submit a printed copy of your answers.
    Submit printed copy of required evidences (your answers) to your Trainer with the
    "Assessment Cover Sheet" (Filled out and signed appropriately) attached on top of your
    The Trainer/Assessor may further prompt and question in order to receive answers of
    appropriate quality or if further clarification required and to validate authenticity of your
    submitted work.
    General Instruction:
     To be prepared on an individual basis.
     Assessment answer needs to be typed writing
     Assessment will only be accepted if they have an assignment cover
    sheet on them signed by the student.
     You must provide detailed answer for every question along with relevant
     There is no word limit, but answer for every question should be reasonable in
    size, preferably in 1 or 2 paragraphs.
    BSBWOR502B - Ensure team effectiveness
    Assessment Task 1
    Last Updated November 2014 V 2.0 Page 3 of 6
    Level 1 & 2,
    363 - 367 Pitt St.
    Sydney NSW 2000
    T. + 61 2 9268 0809
    Business Institute of Australia
    ABN 18 085 304 570  NTIS Code: 91019
    CRICOS Provider Code: 02607G
    Assessment instruction:
    The first assessment tasks for this unit will require you to perform a role play where you
    need to answer following questions based on your work place or any other
    organisation of your choice and provide examples, comments or explanations to
    particular incidents/activities that occur within your chosen organisation. This is a role
    play and thus you are required to take a particular role to complete assessment tasks.
    Assessment 1:
    Assume you are working in an organisation. The organisation employs about 120
    employees who are working in different divisions such as Admin, finance, sales &
    marketing department. Assume, you are working as a team leader in a particular Dept.
    and are required to manage & supervise 10 to 12 staff. You are expected to perform your
    role by engaging yourself in a team where other supervisors & Dept. managers will also
    be involved. Trainers can help you to define your roles and responsibilities within the
    organisation and the team. You also can use your experience of working in a team within
    your class room environment or in sports team environment. Taking this into account,
    answer for following questions:
    1.  Who is in your team/group at work? What role do they take on? What role do
    you expect them to have?
    2.  What level of group cohesiveness do you think your group has? Explain / Why?
    3.  Are there any disadvantages to working in your group/team? List and explain?
    4.  What techniques do you use to ‘build’ your work team/group?
    5.  Do you consult with your team members at your chosen organisation, to
    establish a common understanding of your team’s purpose, your roles, and your
    6.  Do you do this in accordance with your chosen organisation’s overall goals/plans?
    Explain how you do this?
    7.  Do you develop performance plans at your chosen organisation, to help establish
    expected outcomes/outputs? These can be developed by you / the team / your
    chosen organisation corporation?
    8.  Performance Plans can be informal or formal (i.e. written down). They can be
    individual plans linked to the team, or they can be ‘team’ based plans linked to a
    specific work assignment/task/project?
    Explain. Provide examples?
    9.  How do you support your team members at your chosen organisation, in terms of
    meeting their expected performance outcomes?
    10.  What strategies are developed, to ensure team members have input into the
    planning decision making and operational aspect of the work team at your
    chosen organisation?
    BSBWOR502B - Ensure team effectiveness
    Assessment Task 1
    Last Updated November 2014 V 2.0 Page 4 of 6
    Level 1 & 2,
    363 - 367 Pitt St.
    Sydney NSW 2000
    T. + 61 2 9268 0809
    Business Institute of Australia
    ABN 18 085 304 570  NTIS Code: 91019
    CRICOS Provider Code: 02607G
    11.  What policies and procedures are developed to ensure team members take
    responsibility for their own work? These can be developed by you / the team /
    your chosen organisation corporation.
     operating procedures
     a list of activities/tasks that must be carried out on a particular day / week
    / month
     guidelines or systems that govern how you operate in your job
     brainstorming with the team to address outcomes
     creating a list of issues and concerns and distributing these for
     listing a range of options for resolution of concerns
     training and development sessions
    12.  What policies and procedures are developed to ensure individuals within your
    chosen organisation help you to undertake your required roles and
    responsibilities? These can be developed by you / the team / Your chosen
    13.  How do you demonstrate encouragement, value and reward to team members?
    I.e. how do you give them feedback regarding their efforts and contributions to
    the team?
    14.  What processes are developed (either by you / the team / the Corporation) that
    ensure issues, concerns and/or problems are identified, recognised and
    15.  What techniques do you use within your team to strengthen communication?
    16.  How do you encourage team members to participate in, and to take
    responsibility for, activities – particularly communication activities? I.e. talking to
    each other
    17.  How do you support your team in identifying and resolving work performance
    18.  How do you ensure that your own contribution to the work team serves as a ‘role
    model’ for others and enhances your chosen organisation’s image for all
    19.  How do you (or your team as a whole) establish and maintain open
    communication processes with stakeholders?
    20.  How do you (or your team as a whole) communicate information from the team
    to the Managing Director? Or, information from the team to Branch Managers?
    BSBWOR502B - Ensure team effectiveness
    Assessment Task 1
    Last Updated November 2014 V 2.0 Page 5 of 6
    Level 1 & 2,
    363 - 367 Pitt St.
    Sydney NSW 2000
    T. + 61 2 9268 0809
    Business Institute of Australia
    ABN 18 085 304 570  NTIS Code: 91019
    CRICOS Provider Code: 02607G
    How do you obtain advice from outside the team, to ensure the team is focussed
    and on track?
    21.  How do you (or your team as a whole) communicate unresolved issues, concerns
    and problems raised by team members to the Managing Director, Branch
    Managers etc. – to ensure follow up?
    22.  How do you (or your team as a whole) evaluate and take necessary corrective
    action regarding unresolved issues, concerns or problems raised by team
    23.  What conflict resolution techniques do you use in your group?
    BSBWOR502B - Ensure team effectiveness
    Assessment Task 1
    Last Updated November 2014 V 2.0 Page 6 of 6
    Level 1 & 2,
    363 - 367 Pitt St.
    Sydney NSW 2000
    T. + 61 2 9268 0809
    Business Institute of Australia
    ABN 18 085 304 570  NTIS Code: 91019
    CRICOS Provider Code: 02607G