代写 24309 Marketing Research assignment

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  • 代写 24309 Marketing Research assignment
    Group Project Guidelines
    24309 Marketing Research
    Autumn 2016
    Last updated 06/06/2016
    The goal of this group project is for you to gain experience in thinking of a marketing
    research problem; designing, conducting, analysing data in quantitative research; and
    producing a report that would be relevant for marketing managers and decision-makers.
    In groups of approximately five, you will choose a “real-life” organisation (whether for- or
    non-profit, domestic or international) that can benefit from marketing research. This entails
    thinking of a problem that an organisation is currently experiencing, based on your own
    For example, Woolworths recently changed its loyalty structure to remove the ability to earn
    Qantas Frequent Flyer points, sparking outrage amongst many loyal Woolworths shoppers –
    even though Woolworths conducted its own research and found that such a move was
    considered appropriate by focus group participants. In such a scenario, you might wish to use
    surveys and questionnaires to assess what new loyalty structure should be adopted, or
    whether there should be a change at all. Or consider low-cost airlines such as Jetstar or
    Tigerair, both of which frequently suffer from customer complaints regarding inferior
    customer service. In such a case, you might use surveys and questionnaires to assess the true
    impact of such complaints on the bottom-line (i.e., profits), and gain insight into what the
    airline could do to improve customer perceptions and loyalty.
    The actual problem is not important. It can be a “small” or a “big” issue. What’s most
    important is how you ask the questions, how you analyse the data, and how you interpret the
    results of your data by providing solutions and your justifications.
    Delivery: Written Report
    The group project is worth, in total, 35% of your mark in this subject. Within this component,
    30% is reserved for your actual written report. Your written report will be approximately 20
    pages in length, and must comprise a cover page and table of contents as well as the
    following components:
    1. Executive Summary (1 page)  5%
    Briefly summarise your problem and suggestions, especially the one that you’ve
    chosen, for improving your organisation with regards to its product.
    2. Organisation and Industry Background (1 page) 5%
    Provide a summary of both the organisation and its industry. What are the trends
    or upcoming changes in the industry?
    3. Decision Problem (2 pages)  15%
    Explain what the marketing problem is, noting especially the symptoms that led
    you to identify the core of the problem.
    4. Questionnaire Approach (2 pages)  15%
    Briefly explain the questions that you ask, justifying why you think your particular
    questions will help you gain insight into the problem that you previously identify.
    5. Data Analysis (3 pages) 25%
    The actual numbers, tables, and graphs should be included in an appendix (see
    below), but briefly summarise the key results of your data analysis. Also be sure to
    note weaknesses and limitations of your research methodology and data.
    6. Three Solutions Suggested (4-5 pages) 15%
    Based on your data analysis, what should the organisation do to resolve the
    problem that you identify?
    7. Chosen Suggestion & Justification (3-4 pages) 20%
    Choose one suggestion and offer a justification for it. Offer an implementation
    plan and the potential issues involved in implementing your suggestion.
    8. Data Analysis Appendix
    Attach all relevant analyses and SPSS outputs. You will need to refer to these
    analyses in part 5 “data analysis” above.
    Total  100%
    Please take the page numbers as approximates. The shorter your report, the better. Several
    examples of previous group projects (both “good” and “bad”) will be uploaded to UTSOnline
    by week 3.
    The written report, in PDF or Word format, is due on Tuesday, 14 June 2016, by e-mail
    to your tutor.
    5% is reserved for your individual executive summary, which is in addition to the 30% for
    the written group project, for a total of 35%. Each group member will, in a page or so,
    describe their contribution to the written report as well as that of the other members, by
    giving each member, including herself, a rating out of 5. For example, a 5/5 for each group
    member will mean that all contributed equally, while a 3/5 for a particular individual would
    indicate that this particular individual “coasted” based on the others’ contributions 60% of the
    time. The lowest individual mark for any particular group member will form her 5% mark.
    For example, if one group member gives you 2/5 but everyone else gives you 5/5, you will
    receive 2% (out of 5%) in this individual component.
    Delivery: In-Class Exercises and Activities
    In this subject, 7% of your marks are reserved for “in-class exercises and activities”, which is
    on-top of the 35% for your group project. During week 7, all groups should have their
    questionnaire ready, and the questionnaire will be posted on UTSOnline. At the end of each
    questionnaire, there should also be an open-ended box for student volunteers to summarise
    what they think are the strengths and weaknesses of your questionnaire. This gives every
    group potential insights into the weaknesses of their research, helping them with part 5 “data
    analysis” in the written report.
    Each student must complete the questionnaires of 7 other groups within their tutorials (there
    should be eight in each tutorial). For each questionnaire that a student completes, she will
    receive 1% mark, up to a total of 7%.
    Important Dates
     Week 3: Group members will be assigned in tutorials.
     Week 4: Groups should start discussing which topic to select.
     Week 5: Groups should finalise their topic by this week, although this will not be
    strictly enforced by tutors.
     StuVac and Week 6: Groups have the opportunity to meet with tutors and lecturers to
    discuss progress of group report. Meetings will be set on an individual basis.
     Week 7: Groups must have their questionnaire ready and given to tutors, who will
    post them on UTSOnline.
     Weeks 7-8: Each student should complete 7 questionnaires from groups within their
     Weeks 9-10: Groups should use this time both in tutorials and outside of class to
    begin data analysis and summarising the results.
     14 June: Groups submit their written group project in PDF or Word format by e-mail
    to tutor.
    Frequently Asked Questions
    代写 24309 Marketing Research assignment
    Why can you not choose your own group members?
    We will assign you into groups on a random basis. In industry, which you will encounter in a
    few years’ time, it is often not possible for you to choose other teammates with whom you to
    work on projects or deadlines. Thus, the group project in Marketing Research is to help
    prepare you with team-building skills that will be valuable for your future management or
    other endeavours in commerce. Nonetheless, we realise that there will periodically be
    problems with particular group members. Should this occur, please speak with your tutor
    immediately to help find an appropriate solution. Issues will be dealt with by the tutor on a
    case-to-case basis. If issues remain unresolved by the end of the semester, or if it is clear that
    one particular member (or more) of your group is putting less effort into the group report and
    presentation, these individuals will receive a lower mark that is appropriate for the amount of
    effort they put into the group project.
    代写 24309 Marketing Research assignment